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Genetic Key Code Reading

Awareness of your unique manifestation * power in the greater whole.

Quantum Science of Diamond Age Technology channeled by Ahnéyah Divinity 

Genetic Key Codes are translated from our Universe's Original Language, Sacred Geometry. Known for ages in ancient cultures as sacred healing and enhancing energies. All of life is based upon a Sacred Geometry Blueprint, Hologram or 'Code'. 
Genetic Key Codes combine the Masculine Sacred Geometry Structure, with the Divine Feminine Creativity and Universal Language. These codes re-mind and re-heart us of our original blueprint and divine bearthright, as through the carefully combined divine masculine and divine feminine aspects in one key code, a balanced channel to divinity is created that transcends the one who chooses to meditate with this code as a tool into higher consciousness. Transmuting all obstacles and remembering oneself of their essential purity. 

As the Genetic Key Codes remember our cells to vibrate at a higher more pure frequency, through realigning within the divine, they have an instant impact on our physical body. As our physical body is a reflection of our inner metaphysical world; when our consciousness is hightened, we give our bodies the opportunity to rise in health and well-being, and so we upgrade our physical structure from the current 12 strand DNA ( Christ Consciousness ) to the next level 13 strand DNA (Diamond Consciousness).- Words by Ahnėyah Divinity  

It is a true honor to know and embody this technology Ahneyah channelled for us, for the new world. Since 2019 I co.create daily with the Quantum Science of Diamond Genetic Keycode Alchemy. This work is BY FAR the most powerful and effective way for me to heal and activate the self and others. I merge Ahneyah’s Diamond Genetic Key Codes in my coachings and soundactivations. 
Me myself, I also channel Genetic Key Codes in many forms, visually, sonically, metaphysically. My new service for you is activating Personal Key Code Readings and Drawing and Tattooing Individual Key Codes for anyone who is curious and open for this new technology. 


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